A healing crisis occurs due to imbalances in energy, which are caused by the environment & our lifestyle
The energy in our bodies flows in lines & these lines can become distorted
Ideally, energy flows through the body like a vibrant, powerful river, washing through impurities & cleansing
Over time & through abuse of our bodies this river meets obstacles, diverts, gets dammed & loses strength. We react & become tired or hyperactive, we get pain or rashes. At its worst, we find physical & spiritual problems, which grind us to a halt
REIKI TREATMENTS & ATTUNEMENTS flush out these impurities & imbalances are swept away allowing the energy to flow freely again
You (or your client) may experience mild, flu like symptoms, tiredness or even diarrhoea
Drink lots of water (sip or swirl)
Avoid alcohol & caffeine
Cut back on meat & dairy produce
Smoke less
Carry out self treats for 21 days (use symbols)
Take CRAB APPLE flower remedy
Get plenty rest & sleep
Take plenty of hot baths - use Epsom salts or essential oils (frankincense, lavender or juniper)
Spend time in your own special place with music candles, burn oils etc.
CLEAR yourself regularly
CENTRE yourself regularly
PROTECT yourself first thing in the morning & before you go to sleep
GROUND yourself
Keep a journal of this part of your journey (& beyond if you like)