The most common understanding is that we have 7 chakras .. this is valid if we are only considering the 3rd dimension.
In this Chakra Series I will take you through the eight 4th dimensional chakras & the seven 5th dimensional chakras
The 8th chakra is the first chakra of the 4th dimension
The Seat of the Soul, your Transpersonal point is encoded with your original eight cell blueprint for your current incarnation and this becomes the baseline in the 4th dimension...in the same way our Earth Chakra was the baseline in the 3rd dimension
It is solid & concrete, the seat of our existence in the 4th dimension
The colour of this chakra is emerald green & purple
It holds the same colour as the 8th ray of Higher Cleansing with Ascended Master Lady Nada. This ray cleanses characteristics you no longer need
Ray number eight is a cleansing ray. It helps clean out those characteristics and qualities
within self that one no longer needs and wants to get rid of
This ray has a violet-green luminosity. It is composed of the fourth ray, the seventh ray, and the fifth ray with a touch of white light, all mixed together
Before bridging in the next ray which begins to attract on the
Body of Light, it is important that the four-body system be clean and pure
The eighth ray is good for cleansing the subconscious mind
It helps to raise one to a higher vibration level
and frequency
Chohan of the Eighth Ray "Nada" means "nothing," which refers to
her great humility
Lady Nada - Sacral Chakra
Lady Nada, a beautiful ascended master written about in the first two
"green books" of the St. Germain Press: Unveiled Mysteries, and The Magic Presence
She is said to be the twin flame of Jesus
She works on the ray of higher cleansing and is on the Karmic Board, where she represents the 8th ray
Lady Nada works with mental healing and upliftment
The thousand petaled lotus on her forehead symbolizes enlightenment for the feminine, as well as the masculine, mental body
She teaches that intelligence requires the addition of love to become wisdom
ref: Dr Joshua David Stone