Meet Lady Portia, the karma queen and divine keeper!
She rocks the title of Mother Holy Heart Flame and is the Twin Flame of St Germain of the Violet Flame
As the boss of Seventh Ray Dispensations, she's all about that Divine Mother’s Holy Heart Flame vibe.
Lady Portia is one of the Lords of Karma representing the Seventh Ray on that Board. She became Spokesman June 27, 1954, in honor of SAINT GERMAIN having become the presiding Master for the next two thousand year cycle.
She holds the balance of mercy and judgment.
She helps those who want to balance heart and head. She will also help those who judge and criticize others from the lower mind to raise their energy to their heart centre and be loving towards themselves and others.
You may apply in meditation to the Lords of Karma for release of personal or collective karma. If you do this, ask if karma may be released on every level -
physical, mental emotional and spiritual, in evey dimension and in every
reality and universe. Lady Portia is one who frequently offers grace.
One can call to Her for assistance in legal action. Her electronic pattern is the
Maltese Cross."
Let's chant for some divine intervention:
"Hey Portia, bring on that pure Divine Mother energy into my world pronto. Let's do this thrice!"
"Calling on my Mighty I AM PRESENCE to sync me up with that Divine Mother Holy Heart Flame. Bam! Three times straight!"
"Lady Portia, help us shine bright with our inner divine selves, spreading love vibes everywhere. Let's make some magic! Amen, amen, amen!"
Let's summon the Cosmic Flames of Transformation and Ascension to wrap me in their dazzling glow. May their magic powers purify, uplift, and rejuvenate every bit of my existence. I'm throwing open the gates of my heart to soak up the wisdom and blessings of the Divine Masters, ready to surf on their love waves along my spiritual journey.
Here in this mystical realm, I pay tribute to Lady Portia, the Guardian of Divine Harmony, the ultimate mix of fairness and compassion. With her by my side, may I find the guts to embrace my authentic self and groove along the path of truth and peace. Inhaling deeply, I sink into the core truth of my essence, syncing up with love and light's grooviest vibes.
Picture this: as I chant this cosmic prayer, a dazzling light, so pure and lively, descends from the heavens. It wraps around me, filling me to the brim with the Holy Heart Flame of the Divine Mama. This divine juice stirs up the kindness, love, and empathy in me, sending ripples of good vibes to all in my orbit.
I'm a messenger of the divine light, a lighthouse of hope and healing in this crazy world. Each stride I take spreads the love and blessings of the Divine Parents, knitting together unity, serenity, and love. Together, let's weave a reality that celebrates the sacredness of every life, where every soul is valued, heard, and treasured.
So be it. So it is. And so it shall be.