The concept of chakras originated in India and although Mikao Usui
(who discovered Reiki in Japan) did not base his Reiki practice on the
system, they work well together.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ and is an apt name for these spinning vortexes of energy. They are located within our etheric body and are centres of force through which we receive, transmit and process life energies
The form of energy drawn in by a single chakra depends on the chakra
in question. There are literally hundreds of chakras, most of which are
referred to as ‘minor chakras’.
In Reiki however, there are seven main chakras and two pairs of minor ones.
These chakras are the Crown, Brow (Third Eye), Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Base Chakras and the Palm and Foot chakras
The chakras form a network through which body, mind and spirit interact as a complete holistic system.
The major chakras correspond to specific aspects of our consciousness and have their own individual functions and characteristics. Each chakra has a corresponding relationship with one of the glands comprising the body’s endocrine system, as well as being associated with a specific colour.
Indeed there are a whole range of associations related to each chakra, many
of which will be covered in this course.
When all the chakras are ‘whirling’, open, bright and clean, then our chakra system is balanced. However, if a chakra becomes blocked, damaged or muddied with residual energy, then our physical and emotional health can be affected
Interestingly, this often occurs habitually as the result of negative or incomplete belief systems. In other words, the effects of our habits, feelings, beliefs, thoughts, fears and desires can be found in our chakras
By realizing that the energy created from our emotions and mental
attitudes runs through the chakras and is then distributed to the cells,
tissues and organs of the body, we gain an insight into how we affect
our own bodies, minds and circumstances
When chakras are open, balanced and free of blockages, the more energy can flow through our system and this energy is essential for our vitality, health and continued growth on all levels
The following tables list the main characteristics/traits that can be
seen in people when each chakra is ‘open’ or spinning in a balanced
manner, or ‘closed’, spinning in a sluggishly, spinning too fast, rotating
the wrong way etc.
Chakras are closed:
Base – Emotionally needy, low self-esteem, self-destructive
behaviour, fearful.
Sacral – Oversensitive, hard on oneself, feels guilty for no reason,
frigid or impotent.
Solar Plexus – Overly concerned with what others think, fearful of
being alone, insecure, needs constant reassurance.
Heart – Fears rejection, loves too much, feels unworthy to receive
love, self-pitying.
Throat – Holds back from self-expression, unreliable, holds
inconsistent views.
Third Eye – Undisciplined, fears success, tendency towards
schizophrenia, sets sights too low.
Crown – Constantly exhausted, can’t make decisions, no sense of
Chakras open and balanced:
Base – Demonstrates self-mastery, high physical energy, grounded,
Sacral – Trusting, expressive, attuned to one’s own feelings, creative.
Solar Plexus – Respects self and others, has personal power,
spontaneous, uninhibited.
Heart – Compassionate, loves unconditionally, nurturing, desires
spiritual experience in lovemaking.
Throat – Good communicator, contented, finds it easy to meditate,
artistically inspired.
Third Eye – Charismatic, highly intuitive, not attached to material
things, may experience unusual phenomena.
Crown – Magnetic personality, achieves ‘miracles’ in life,
transcendent, at peace with self.
Chakras spinning too fast:
Base – Bullying, overly materialistic, self-centred, engages in physical
Sacral – Emotionally unbalanced, a fantasist, manipulative, sexually
Solar Plexus – Angry, controlling, workaholic, judgmental and
Heart – Possessive, loves conditionally, withholds emotionally to
‘punish’, overly dramatic.
Throat – Over-talkative, dogmatic, self-righteous, arrogant.
Third Eye – Highly logical, dogmatic, authoritarian, arrogant.
Crown – Psychotic or manic depressive, confused sexual expression,
frustrated, sense of unrealized power
Opening the Foot Chakra.
In order to open the foot chakra, imagine that this chakra looks like a
flower, with four or eight large petals that can flap open and shut on
four/eight sides of the energy centre within the sole of the foot.
Contract your Hui Yin and use your fingers to brush open each petal
several times in turn, as if you were gently brushing aside an insect
from someone’s face. Since you are focusing your intent here, the
exact hand movements are not vitally important.
Once the chakra has been opened in one foot, hold your hand over the
sole of the foot and channel energy for about 10 minutes, visualizing
the energy travelling higher and higher up the person’s leg. Then open
the chakra on the other foot and channel energy for another 10
minutes exactly as before
Organ / Gland
Base (Root)
Ovaries / gonads
Survival & prosperity. Raises energy. Earths the healer. Good for people who are spaced out or living in their heads. Foundation of the chakra system & home of the Kundalini
Bladder / intestines / kidneys / lymphatic / adrenals
Physical & sexual health. Release energy. Helps with sexual problems including impotence & loss of sex drive. Personal sacred dwelling place. Emotional & physical feelings
Solar Plexus
Pancreas / stomach / spleen / liver / adrenals
Personal power & emotions. Gives feelings of power, confidence & self esteem. Can give some degree of immunity to pain. Puts you in touch with what you are feeling about yourself. Purifies toxicity on all levels within the surface bodies
Heart / lungs / thymus
Love. Feelings for others. Makes you aware of your feeling for others & opens you up to vibrations of love. Centre of our energy system, our true resting place, where the flow of energies from the spirit self & the earth self meet.
Upper lungs / thyroid / parathyroid
Communication. Improves intellect & powers of communication with others. Develops the rational mind. The bridge between our inner self & outer creation.
Third Eye
Indigo / Purple
Medulas oblongata / pituitary
Intuition. Develops intuition, psychic abilities & detachment. Opens the identity of the soul. A vehicle for self-reflection & self knowledge to bring the light of wisdom.
Violet / Brilliant White Light
Cerebral cortex / pineal
Spirituality. Faith. Astral contact with other dimensions. God consciousness. Liberate consciousness by surrendering to our universal identity
Chakra Balancing
Chakra balancing can be done with the client sitting, standing or lying whatever feels right to you at the time. One method is to start at the Base chakra with a hand in front & the other behind the client’s body. Move slowly up the body stopping to give Reiki wherever you sense it is needed, this may take 2 or 3 minutes at each chakra. Once you have reached the crown chakra smooth out the aura & start at the base chakra again to ensure all chakras are in balance. Working on one chakra can unbalance the others. Repeat process until you are happy that all chakras are in balance.
Here is an alternative method for chakra balancing & re-balances the energy in the aura. With client lying down place one hand over the 1st (base) chakra & the other over the 2nd chakra (sacral). Feel for energy imbalance & move on when the energy feels the same in both hands. Next place one hand on the 2nd chakra & the other on the 3rd chakra (solar plexus) & once the energy feel balanced move on. Repeat this process with the 3rd & 4th chakra (Heart), the 4th & 5th chakra (Throat) & so on. Finish the process by placing both hands over the crown & sweep slowly down the body as if brushing snow away. Repeat entire process twice.
A similar method to this & the one I tend to use is balancing the 1st (base) & the 6th (crown) chakra at the same time, then the 2nd (sacral) & 5th (throat) chakra & then the 3rd (solar plexus) & 4th (heart) chakra.