Agate is a type of chalcedony, but is distinguished from other chalcedony by its banded patterns
Straight bands it is a Ribbon Agate
Zig Zag bands then it is known as fortification agate
The stone is said to have got its name from a river on the island of Sicily
Wear Agate to help cure insomnia and give pleasant dreams
All agates can reverse the flow of energy in any chakra, thus removing blockages
It is a grounding yet energetic stone
Blue with white stripes: Visionary, psychic, dreams
Lilac with pale blue strips: Spiritual discrimination
Pale blue with white lacy patterns: Gives a sense of security and ability to handle new situations, softens stubbornness
Use pieces of agate as a worry stones to relieve stress and become calm
Listen closely for mental messages from the astral realms when viewing this agate
Put a piece under your pillow if you have trouble sleeping or have nightmares, often you will be given valuable information in your dreams to help you gain control of your life and cut any cords of energy from other people
Blue Lace Agate is also useful in easing arthritis and for strengthening nails, teeth & bones
It soothes sore eyes and strained eyes after using a computer screen
The first crystal I ever purchased, and I still have it!